Sep 24, 2009

In the Hills: Little Devil's Bathtub

I spent the last portion of the summer in the Black Hills, which was great. I got to spend some time with my parents, and some time in the hills. Molly came into town for a bit, and we hiked up to the Little Devil's Bathtub in Spearfish Canyon. It was a very pretty hike which ended in an absolutely frigid dip in the bathtub!
Here's Molly, attempting to cross the stream without falling off a log,

a friendly garter snake,

and some fun pictures of the pretty surroundings.

Sep 16, 2009

Last Pics of the Tetons

I thought I'd post a few last pics of the Tetons. These were all taken from the road going out to my favorite camping spot.
I miss waking up to this view. Sunrise...

The buffalo enjoyed blocking my road. Nothing to do but wait...
