May 18, 2009

To a Select Few

This page exists to prove to a select group of people that I have yet to be eaten by a bear. I am spending the summer in and around Jackson, WY, and so far it seems like an amazing place to spend some time. I'm working a political science research position, which allows me more flexibility than a regular job, and enjoying most likely my last summer in the states for a few years. I'm off to Oxford in September, which is both exciting and scary for many reasons, but I wanted to spend one more summer exploring a new area- so here I am.

I warn that I'm normally horrible at writing, uploading and posting pictures, and keeping in touch in general. Yet, this is my attempt at keeping those who may care up to date on my activities, and I would love if you'd do the same. If you're here, it's likely that you're a pretty important person in my life. I miss my family and friends.

I apologize in advance for any material that follows that you'd rather not see or hear about. But, you only live once, and there's no time to pretend you're someone you're not. I know that some of the things I love in life scare my parents half to death, but they had a good deal to do with me ending up this way, so I guess you can maybe send any complaints their way. I love to explore; I love the adventure and the challenge. I intend to keep this stuff up for a very long time.

1 comment:

  1. The first thing dad will want to know is "WHERE ARE THE PICTURES". Love you honey
