Jun 26, 2009


The snow is melting in the Tetons, but slowly. Mark and I planned to hike up the trailhead to check out the conditions. We planned to leave at 1am this morning. So, after stocking up on calories and fluid, I went to bed at 8:30pm and woke up at midnight to drive out to the park to meet Mark. I tediously packed my bag and chose layers of clothes to fit the weather. By 1am I was incredibly excited to get hiking. But Mark was worried about the overcast skies, and we eventually called it off. As it turned out, we would have been caught in a nice thunderstorm. So although it was a good call, I was pretty disappointed.
I changed out of my hiking layers and laid down to sleep. After a few minutes, I heard something brush against my car, and sat up. I looked around, but saw no one, so laid back down. A minute later there was a light shining towards my car. I sat up again to see Mark, from across the trailhead parking lot, shining his headlamp at me. Then, it focused on a large creature, which I first took as a racoon. I cracked my door open and Mark said 'what the heck is that thing?!' It turns out the creature he was spotlighting was a HUGE porcupine! It approached his car, then went around the back and to the opposite side Mark was leaning out. While he switched his headlamp to the front of the car, I kept mine on the back, and watched the porcupine reverse his direction and lumbar back towards Mark. By the time he realized what was happening, the porcupine was only a couple feet from him and was standing up on its hind legs. Needless to say, Mark jumped back in the car and slammed the door!

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