Nov 29, 2009


I've been rowing for Balliol's novice crew this term, comprised of eight new rowers. We raced for the first time two weekends ago, where we won our first and lost our second race. Below is a video of the race we lost.
This last week was the big novice race of the year, the Christ Church Regatta. It started on Wednesday, where we had one race, which we won. Unfortunately Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were canceled because the river became too high. I was pretty disappointed! But, yesterday we still celebrated with a black tie dinner for all the Balliol rowers. After the meal, there's a tradition of eating the official Balliol mint by placing it on your forehead and only using facial movements to get it down to your mouth- I was unsuccessful due to laughing too hard.

And below is our crew holding our cox, and Clarissa and Brianna, two of the other grad students who are rowing with me.

Finally, the entire novice rowing team for Balliol, and a goofy picture with a few of the other rowers. Good fun.

1 comment:

  1. I particularly love the photo of you with the mint on your nose. :)
