Jul 11, 2009

In the backcountry with Jason

Jason and I took a week to explore the backcountry of Yellowstone and Teton National Parks. We spent a few days in Yellowstone, where we hiked and camped around the Grebe Lake and Heart Lake areas. It was pretty area, though the park rangers weren't entirely cooperative and the mosquitoes were horrible! Luckily, Jason talked me into picking up mosquito netting before we left- best $3 I've ever spent!
After hiking half way around Heart Lake, I managed to lose the bear spray while crossing a river, and we decided to hike out. In the process, we unknowingly set off the 'help' button on the SPOT, sufficiently scareing the parents (they forgave us). Next, we headed down to Teton and spent a few days hiking up Death Canyon and Granite Canyon. This area was different (lush forest vs. burnt forest), but pretty in an entirely different way. And, less mosquitoes!
Jason dehydrated a ton of food before leaving Lincoln, which we consumed over the week- pretty good stuff. After Teton, we returned to Jackson for some good beer and amazing Thai food (coconut tofu- yum!). We had pretty good weather all week, and I was definitely tired by the end- a good feeling. Pictures to follow eventually!
And now to catch up on work...

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