Feb 23, 2010

Summer Expedition!

The last few weeks have been a blur of working, vaulting, dinners, lectures, movies, wine tastings... I've even managed to slip in a few salsa dancing lessons! I've come to really love oxford; life here is intense, but not necessarily stressful. If only I could learn to fit everything in and still sleep!
The two big news events in my life:
1) I have a partial tear and partial avulsion in my achilles tendon. This came on after a few weeks of pain, followed by a pole-vault competition in Birmingham. I suppose I should have backed off sooner, but at the time, the pain was only a mild annoyance. I'm thus disappointed that my body didn't give me sufficient warning to quit running. But each injury allows me to learn a bit about how my body works (I probably won't continue running next time a tendon feels like that). Lesson learned (well, hopefully). The prognosis is around 10 weeks off of it. I'm bummed, but determined to find the best way to let it heal. The varsity athletics (track) meet is in 11 weeks, and I would like to vault in it and help beat Cambridge! For now, back to pool workouts.
2)On an entirely more exciting note, it looks likely that I'll be headed to China for a six week expedition this summer! Check out our new website! www.uzatagh.com

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