Mar 22, 2010

Equinox at Stonehenge

After cooking dinner with some friends Friday, we settled down for a quiet night of watching Planet Earth. By midnight, we split, and I was thinking of heading to bed. But, next thing I knew, a friend had convinced me to stay up all night and head to Stonehenge at 3am in order to make the sunrise on the equinox! So, Chris, Matt and I popped in a movie at 1am, then left at 3am for Stonehenge. We arrived at about 4:30am, and we were allowed into Stonehenge around 5:30am (you are only allowed to enter stonehenge 4 days per year: on the two equinoxes and the two solstices). The crowd of around 200 people was mostly comprised of Druids, who were there to beat drums, chant, and pray for world peace. I could attempt to describe the druids further, but to be honest, I was rather confused by them, so I'll leave it to wikipedia:

I took some photos of Stonehenge and the entire experience, but Chris made a movie of it, so I think I'll just post that. It's quite weird, but so was the experience.

After Stonehenge, we drove to Portsmouth, a city on the sea. We explored the town, enjoyed the sea, ate a traditional English breakfast, then left for home. We were exhausted!


  1. Awesome film (and great commentary, ha ha) - I love that you got to go. So cool.

  2. I just love you. I really do. This is great and so very Ashley.
