During my first term at Oxford, I became friends with Matt, who, originally from Ontario, was at Oxford for only one academic year, doing political philosophy. As the academic year has now ended, Matt has returned home to finish his studies. But, Chris and I got the opportunity to spend Matt's last day in Oxford with him, visiting our favorite places and enjoying the atmosphere. Our morning started at the Sheldonian Theatre, which has seen much traffic lately with numerous graduation ceremonies. (Chris left, Matt right)

We then moved on the the Turf Tavern, which dates back to the 13th century, and is also where former President Clinton, "didn't inhale."

Next, off for lunch and coffee, then punting. To imagine punting, think of Venice: flat bottomed boats, pushed along with long poles. It takes a bit to get the hang of it, but it's a lovely way to spend an afternoon.

Well, except if I'm navigating... then it turns into a rather thorny and muddy experience...

Afterward, we ventured to the covered market to procure picnic supplies, then to Worcester College, where we found the perfect picnic spot in a tree over a lake!

After enjoying bread, cheese, wine, olives, and grapes in our tree, we retreated back to Holywell Manor, where we watched a movie, then spent the rest of the evening (and early morning) chatting.
It's always sad to separate from a friend with whom you've shared so many fun times. Matt, thank you for all the very wonderful adventures at Oxford, and for all the late night discussions, often full of talk about dragons!