Jun 14, 2010

Expedition Uzatagh Postponed

After much deliberation, our team has decided to officially postpone our expedition to Mt. Uzatagh. It won't happen this summer, and we'll wait and evaluate conditions, team members, and funding early next year. It's pretty disappointing to have spent so much time preparing for this expedition and acquiring all the sponsorships and grants, but this is the right decision at the moment. This process has taught me much about how to coordinate an expedition of this magnitude, and I hope that this will prove useful in the future. Thank you to everyone for their support, most especially my parents, who I'm sure were uneasy about the idea of their daughter venturing into the middle of nowhere in China. Just a few of the organizations and corporations that made this expedition imaginable:
Mount Everest Foundation -- Mountain Fellowship Award -- Andrew Croft Memorial Fund -- British Mountaineering Council --Edelwiess -- Nickwax Weatherproofing -- Anatom -- Boreal -- DMM -- Brasenose and Balliol Colleges -- Oxford University Exploration Club -- And a very special thanks to the generous support of the American Alpine Club.


  1. Sorry to hear that you had to postpone your trip. Hopefully it will happen next year.
    Was good to see you while you were home!

    Ralph Pettersen

  2. Hello Ashley. My name is Lukas and I come from Poland. I found your website about kunlun expedition and access to mt uzatagh because I also want to go this range but no this summit. I want to create to some expedtion to find the place where some polish explorer in the 1889 year came up to 6345 m n.p.m. and this was polish altitude record up to 1934 year. I think it was the next summit to the west mt uzatagh It have 6406 m n.p.m.. I have some qeustion about your expedition. Firs and the most importent question is why did't you go to the China. It's your personal grounds or Chinese people do not let you climb this mountain ?? If you can send meil to me kagen@wp.pl Lukas
