Jul 9, 2010

Balliol Garden Party

Balliol had it's last party of the academic year a couple weekends ago: our annual Garden Party. This year's theme was 'Arabian Nights,' and we lucked out with amazing weather. Finally, after all those winter nights of being jealous of the guys' jackets while I shivered in formal dresses, the summer evening suited the girls just fine!This party had been in the works for the last 3 months, and those who planned it did a marvelous job. It was complete with a champagne reception, an outdoor dinner, and a few speeches. Then the floor was cleared for dancing, and a couple bands played while we drank 'Arabian' cocktails and watched some belly dancing. After the bands were exhausted, a DJ took over and the dancing continued until around 2am.The graduate community, referred to as the MCR, is governed by students. I have been utterly impressed at what a great community the students serving on the MCR committee have created at Balliol. Thus, I decided to join this committee for the upcoming year. I designed a platform and ran for Secretary, which I won. At midnight on the night of the garden party, we had the official ceremony, which handed over responsibilities to the new committee members. Below is Michael, the former Secretary, placing an imaginary crown on my head.Now an official committee member, I got the opportunity to join in the clean up process of the garden party, which started around 2 and lasted until 6am! Afterward, I managed to catch a quick nap, then awoke to a lovely brunch in the garden :)

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