Jun 7, 2009

Stuck in a Cloud

The Tetons keep sporadically disappearing. At the lodge on Friday, the pictures from the previous post would have been completely white. It has been raining in Jackson for the last four days or so, and, according to the 10 day forecast, rain and snow are all I'm going to see for quite a while. It's pretty cool to watch the clouds drift through town, but this isn't doing much to dry out the mountain bike and running trails.

Speaking of trails, I joined a running club that meets once a week for a 5-7 mile trail run. I got out with them last week before Jackson was enveloped by a cloud. They're all long distance runners, so watching me try to run uphill, at altitude, for a relatively (for me) long distance, was quite humorous to them. They're not too hardcore, so a few waited for me at the top of the trail, but then lost me again on the descent. There is a guy in his fifties that ran slightly slower, so I felt that if I got attacked and dragged of the trail by an animal, at least someone might have a clue of my demise :).

The upside of the rainy weather is that I've gotten a lot of reading done. I've gotten through Things Fall Apart (Chinua Achebe), Go Tell it on the Mountain (James Baldwin), and I'm now reading and laughing at Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods. It's incredible how much free time there is when you're only working 40 hours a week with no outside commitments. I'm even sleeping 8 hours every night, which is amazing!

1 comment:

  1. I know this is way after the fact of this post, but your brother only just told me about your blog! Anyway, that Bill Bryson book is one of the funniest things I've ever read; I remember laughing out loud a bunch while reading it a few years ago.
