May 31, 2009

Climbing, Biking, Pictures

We headed out to an area about 15 miles north of Jackson called Blacktail Butte on Friday to do some climbing. Most of the routes out there are pretty difficult, so we were definitely challenged. We struggled our way up 3 routes, a 5.9+, 5.10c/d, and a 5.11b (difficulty ratings) and called it a day. I'm going to have to return to climb the 5.11b, called 'Wild at Heart,' without falls- pretty fun climb. Below is a pic from the base of that climb, and Mark, a bit tired after we both got off the climb.

On Saturday we took of on Highway 26 north from Jackson on bikes (wide shoulder, and yes, dad, I always wear my helmet). Evidently training for quite a few years to most efficiently run about 90 feet doesn't prepare you well for a 65 mile bike ride. Go figure. Plus, I'm riding a steel framed single speed, trying to keep up with a triathlete on a carbon-fiber with more gears than he knows what to do with. Consequently, I got dropped within a few miles. But, it was still a great ride. I rode out and back in 4 hours, with a few water/calorie breaks. I had minor mechanical problems at the start, MAJOR butt soreness by the end, and a funny sunburnt strip under my right arm. The conclusions at the end of the day: 1) I won't do this again without a better saddle and padded bike shorts 2) I still can't handle this altitude and 3) I'm not a distance athlete. By 9:30 that night I was fast asleep!

I drove through the park yesterday up to Jackson Lodge, and stopped to take some pictures along the way. It's just a bunch of mountain pictures, but I'm starting to get to know the details and characteristics of the individual peaks. (As always, click to enlarge)

The tip of the Grand, center, is covered by the clouds above.
Mt. St. John, above.
Jackson Lake

1 comment:

  1. T hese pics are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Please continue to supply your Dad with multiple photos. You can't take too many! At the end of the summer you can put together an album , and sell it for mucho buckos. Love the pics keep them comming. LOVE you too. Dad
