Last weekend I ventured out to the Cotswolds with Bradley, a postdoc from my lab, and one of his buddies. Since I am legal to drive in England for a year after moving here, I was the designated driver. Although it took a bit to get used to the left side, narrow roads, fast speed limits, and roundabouts, it was a successful journey. The Cotswolds are a range of hills in West-Central England, about 40 minutes from Oxford. Sometimes referred to as the 'Heart of England,' the full name is the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

We did just over a 10 mile hike, starting and finishing at a town called Bourton-on-the-Water. The English are keen hikers and 'hill walkers,' so the trails around the country are numerous. The majority of our hike followed nothing more than a slightly trodden trail through the middle of nowhere in the English countryside. We walked through a few small towns along the way, but mostly through fields and pastures, up and down rolling hills. Where there were fences, there were always either gates, or a hand built step nearby by which to cross over into the next field. We shared our walk with many sheep and horses, and even a few bulls. Here are a couple friends we made along the way.