May 16, 2010

Varsity Match

In 1827, a cricket match was arranged between Oxford and Cambridge. This newfound rivalry between the two universities created a tradition of an annual 'varsity match' between the two, for every major sport. In 1864 Athletics (what we call track) had its varsity match debut, and yesterday was the 136th annual competition. An introuctio to the program read:

"The first Oxford v. Cambridge varsity sports, held in Oxford in 1864, heralded the birth of modern athletics. This annual fixture is the oldest in the world, and has been interrupted only by two World Wars. Its heroes have become household names: Oxford's CB Fry, Jack Lovelock, Roger Bannister, Chris Chataway, David Hemerey...Cambridge's Harold Abrahams, Lord Burghley, Chris Brasher, Herb Elliot. The current crop of talented athletes will play out the 136th installment of this historic fixture today, looking to join their heroes in the history books. For ordinary mortals, the particular intensity of the old rivalry between the two Universities can make today's competition the very pinnacle of their athletics careers. For others, it will be a stepping stone to higher honours."
Below is a picture of the team in 1912,
Compared to the men's team that competed yesterday,For the women, though fewer in numbers, it was the 36th annual competition.Since 1864, Oxford men have won 73 matches, Cambridge 55, with 7 drawn matches. The Oxford women have won 10, and Cambridge 25. However, the Oxford women have won for the last four years straight. The varisty matches switches location between Oxford and Cambridge each year, and this year we had the home track advantage. This meant our teams would be running on the same track where Roger Bannister ran the very first sub 4 minute mile.
Though both the men and women gave valient efforts yesterday, both fell to Cambridge. For the women, it was evident after 2/3 of the match that we had been beaten. For the men, it came down to the very last race, the 4x400m, where Cambridge won to claim the overall victory. Although the outcome was dissapointing, the experience was amazing. At Oxford, the athletics team has few coaches, and little guidance other than the teamembers themselves. Everything is student led and driven. Thus, it was really cool to see a genuine bond form among our teammembers- no one was running yesterday to please a coach or maintain a scholarship- everyone was out there for the pure joy of competition and with the one and only goal to score points for the team and to help your teammates do the same.

I went into the day thinking this was just another track meet. But the atmosphere soon convinced me that his was special. The two teams met, each wearing the traditional blazers only worn by those who have participated in a varsity match, ours with the O.U.A.C. crest (Oxford University Athletics Club). I realized what a big deal this was for the athletes here. I couldn't help smiling as I spoke with one of our distance girls afterwards about her race; she said, "I can't even begin to explain how cool it was to race for the Oxford blues team. When I was out there, I thought I was going to pass out, but then I just thought, look at me! I'm wearing a THE famous dark blue vest of Oxford! And that's what kept me running."


  1. That's so cool! I love the historic experiences that you're getting to have. Who is the old dude in your women's team photo? ;)

  2. Can't imagine the feeling. You are having soooo many really cool experiences!

  3. Ha, I have no idea who the old dude is... I feel like I should have noticed there was an old dude in the picture with us...
