Jan 10, 2011

Home for Corinne's Wedding

In September I flew back to be a bridesmaid in the wedding of one of my best friends from high school, Corinne. After a quick trip over to the Seattle area and a great bike ride with Mark, I came to Rapid to spend a few days with my parents before the wedding. We went up to Spearfish Canyon, which was just starting to show its fall colors.

Dad and I biked the downhill portion of the canyon while Mom was our chauffeur. I snagged a shot of Dad biking by blindly pointing the camera over my shoulder. 'You better hang on with both hands,' was his response :).
Corinne and Kevin were married at the Church up at Johnson Siding. While it was a very chilly day (we even saw snow flakes!), the wedding was lovely, and the pictures turned out well.

And we danced the night away!


  1. Great pic of your dad on the bike. :) I agree with your mom - the wedding looked fun. Love what I can see of your dress (can you wear it to balls?).
