Jan 23, 2011

What happened to Autumn?

Before I knew it, October brought the end of my first year at Oxford, and the arrival of a new crew of students. I got the opportunity to attend the 'Fresher's Dinner' once more, but this time sitting at high table with a few Fellows and a few other MCR committe members. It was odd to sit above the new crew of Balliol Freshers and remember being in their seats, staring around this huge hall, listening to the Master of the College speak of tradition and what it meant to be a part of Balliol, and being generally overwhelmed and confused by my surroundings. This year I was able to enjoy the Master's speech in a much more calm manner and reflect upon how lucky I am to be here and experience Balliol and Oxford. It was fun to watch a new group of students experience for the first time what I have now become accustomed to. A picture of a mixed group of old and new friends after the dinner:

The first term also brought Balliol's first BOP (themed costume party) of the year, and this year's theme was 'National Geographic.' I came as a snake, decked in a snakeskin dress, skakeskin tights, and a homemade forked tongue. A picture of my friend Simon and I below, on the cover of National Geographic Magazine.
My achilles tendon is unfortunately still a bit torn, and a year after the original tear, I'm still not running. I think I'm making progress, albeit slowly, and I hope to be back to running by the beginning of March. While I can't run, there's still much I can do. Here's a picture of Chris, Maxim and I enjoying a chilly autumn Sunday in an Oxford park, working on our muscle-ups. This park contains the only hill in Oxford, and provides a great view looking down on the spires of the city.
Finally, in the first term of the new school year, I completed my Transfer Viva. This is the evaluation which occurs after one year, where students have to defend their work thus far to Fellows in the department, in an attempt to transfer their status from a 'probationary student' to a 'D.Phil. candidate.' I am happy to say that the viva went successfully, and I can now consider myself a D.Phil. candidate :)


  1. Nice job! And very cute dress above. :)

    This may be a dumb question, but how is the name of your college pronounced? ("Baal-eee-ALL" or something like that?)

  2. PS - So glad you liked the Bees!
