Nov 1, 2009

Coming Up dinner

We had the Rhodes 'Coming Up' dinner last Friday night, where all of the first year scholars gather at Rhodes House for a formal dinner. At the end of our time at Oxford, we'll have a 'Going Down' dinner. I got the chance to sit by a few people I hadn't met before, which was wonderful. The meal was fabulous as well- three courses including salmon, lamb, a brownie sundae, and copious wine and port. We hung around afterward until about 2am, largely due to the open bar, chatting and enjoying each others' company. Though I neglected to take photos, below are a few I have stolen from others.
We invited a few people over for a couple beers before dinner in Balliol's Middle Common Room:

Josh (Statistics), Scott (Internationa Relations), Lindsey (Comparative Social Policy), myself, and Lucas (Econ)

Josh, Scott, Sarah (IR), Lucas, Mallory (Education), Chase (Econ and Social History), Lindsey, myself, and Obrian, (from Zambia, Econ for Development)
And somewhere around 2am:

Shad (Comparative Soc. Policy), Jisung (Environmental Change and Managment), Vincent (Latin American Studies), Scott


  1. Looks like it was fun. I'm sure everyone is really interesting.

  2. love the dress!!! you must be meeting so many interesting people.

  3. (Your mom and I had several email conversations in order to make that comment possible... :) )
