Nov 13, 2009

Freshers' Varsity at Cambridge

A couple weekends ago the Athletics team (what the U.S. calls track), had their Freshers' Varsity competition against Cambridge. This annual competition is a chance for Oxford and Cambridge to show off their new talent, as it is only open to Freshers (graduate and undergraduate). It was held in Cambridge this year, and we lucked out with gorgeous weather. I didn't vault very well, partly due to lack of poles and trying to coach my teammates who have just started vaulting. Although this was initially disappointing, everyone was out to have fun, so there was nothing to do but brush it off. Plus, I still won the event, which was what we were looking for, since we desperately wanted to beat Cambridge. I also got to long jump and run the 4x100m, which were both fun. At the end of the day, Cambridge won by a good bit. The rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge is pretty serious, but the teams are very friendly with each other; we stayed in Cambridge for a pint and dinner after the competition. Although we were disappointed to lose, this was only the Freshers competition. Here, the world revolves around the real Varsity Match, which takes place in the spring. Thus begins the training to beat Cambridge!

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