Nov 21, 2009

From Oxford to Wall Street

Both at Oxford and within the Rhodes Scholars, I am amongst a very unique collection of individuals. The time has passed to ask "do I deserve this?", and I'm temporarily content with the conclusion that people deserve very few things in their life that occur. Many of the 1st year scholars are just beginning to ask, "How can I use this?" I've seen the post-Oxford paths of many Rhodes Scholars; the opportunities this silly award affords can be impressive. As 32 more American Rhodes scholars are announced this evening, I look back at this night last year and realize I had absolutely no clue what I was about to walk into. It's perfect timing for this article in the Washington Post, written by Elliot Gerson, the American Secretary of the Rhodes Scholarship. Click on the link below to read:
And below is a cartoon, drawn by Joe O'Shea, a 1964 Scholar, in response to Mr. Gerson's article. Joe, after having a debate at Rhodes house with a Time magazine editor about the Vietnam War, was hired on the spot as a correspondent. He reported on the Civil Rights movement, later joined the Department of Justice and State, and now consults on international nuclear law. Talk about fighting the 'World's Fight'...

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